Leigh, Robert and Ryan share their “why?”

While what we do and how we do our work at the Blackfoot Challenge is extremely important, we’ve come to realize that it’s why we do it that unites us and keeps us all at the […]
Support the Blackfoot Challenge and take advantage of 2020’s new tax benefits for charitable giving!

By Sydney Weydemeyer, Operations Manager 2020 has sure been a year for the books. The staff and Board of the Blackfoot Challenge feel so fortunate to have kept our boots […]
Potomac rancher Denny Iverson shares the Blackfoot wolf experience with Colorado

This November, Colorado residents will be voting on a wolf reintroduction ballot proposition. If passed, the proposition would charge the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission with reintroducing wolves to the […]
Meet the Blackfoot Challenge Range Riders

It’s summertime in the Blackfoot, and that means our team of range riders are back in the saddle. Every summer when cows are put out to graze their summer pastures […]
New look, new logo. Same organization you know and trust.

As part of a larger effort to revitalize the look and feel of Blackfoot Challenge materials, we are excited to unveil our new logo. Early in 2019, the Blackfoot […]
SwanBlog Update: Blackfoot Trumpeters unaffected by Covid-19!

By Elaine Caton Spring (or Mud Season, as we tend to call it around here) is returning to the Blackfoot, and so are the Trumpeter Swans. The first swans were […]
Spotted knapweed battles against spring weather and treatments

By Karen Laitala, Vegetation Coordinator The past few weeks I have been making a concerted effort to take daily walks on the ranch where I live. Last week the snowy […]
Serving our mission during the COVID-19 pandemic
To all Blackfoot Challenge members, partners, and friends: On behalf of the Blackfoot Challenge, I am writing to let you know that as an organization we are responding to […]
Tracking Swan Movements
By Elaine Caton, Trumpeter Swan Restoration Program Coordinator In July we captured two non-nesting adult swans in the Blackfoot and fitted them with very lightweight collars with GPS units. These […]
Ups and Downs
By Elaine Caton, Trumpeter Swan Restoration Program Coordinator This past spring saw quite a few days of cool, wet weather in the Blackfoot, which seemed to affect our swan productivity […]