We coordinate responses to community needs
The BCCA is an innovative effort involving community ownership and cooperative management across 41,000 acres…
There are a variety of public agencies, land trusts, nonprofit organizations, and private landowners working on conservation in the Blackfoot watershed…
In the Blackfoot, we believe that the best place to learn about the watershed is in the watershed, and that our best teachers are those who have experience here…
In the Blackfoot, we live in a fire-adapted ecosystem. Historically, fires burned through lower elevation forests approximately every 10 to 40 years…
Every private property in the watershed is unique, with its own characteristics, history, and resource concerns. Similarly, every landowner is unique…
Trumpeter swans are making a comeback in the Blackfoot watershed, with a little help from a joint program between the Blackfoot Challenge and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service…
Recurring drought and uncertainty about future water supply have inspired community actions centered around coordinated water stewardship…
The introduction and spread of noxious weeds poses a serious threat to those who live and recreate in the Blackfoot. Controlling weeds, while troublesome, often serves as a cornerstone…
The Blackfoot watershed provides excellent habitat for species like grizzly bears, wolves, and elk. When large wildlife populations overlap with humans, conflicts can occur…
Header photo: Stephen Beaumont