To all Blackfoot Challenge members, partners, and friends:
On behalf of the Blackfoot Challenge, I am writing to let you know that as an organization we are responding to the complex and changing nature of the COVID-19 virus on several fronts.
First, as a decentralized organization with remote offices and an independent staff, we are well-positioned to respond to this health crisis while we maintain productivity. Our cloud-based database system and our staff’s ability to use Zoom, Skype, and conference calling and other social media platforms, ensure that we are connected and working.
Second, our staff and Board of Directors are taking appropriate social distancing measures to make responsible decisions that help us reduce risk to vulnerable members of our communities. We are recommending that staff avoid large group meetings, and we are obviously monitoring events, workshops, and conferences that, in many cases, have already been cancelled.
Despite this global pandemic, we at the Blackfoot Challenge are continuing to conduct our important work—grizzly bears are emerging from their dens, trumpeter swan pairs are returning to the valley, new electric fencing projects are being planned, and we are monitoring snowpack and planning ahead for water conservation.
Thank you for your support. In today’s ever-changing world, your partnership is vital. Be safe and stay in touch.

Seth Wilson
Executive Director, Blackfoot Challenge