Stewardship Guide

Blackfoot Watershed Stewardship Guide

The Blackfoot Challenge has long recognized the need for a local resource that residents can reference to learn about natural resource issues and land stewardship in the Blackfoot River watershed. We developed this stewardship guide to share basic information and best practices related to water, wildlife, forestry, grazing, wetlands, native and invasive plants, and more. We provide a few pages of helpful information for each of these topics along with lists of pertinent contacts, resources, and references to easily learn more or to find assistance from Challenge staff and our partners. So whether you are a new resident or a long-time landowner, we hope this will be a helpful go-to source to learn more about many of the stewardship issues and  resources unique to the Blackfoot.

If you are a Blackfoot watershed resident, swing by our office in Ovando to grab a copy. Or email and we’ll mail you one!

Resources References:

Thank you to these organizations for their support to produce this guide.

Header photo: Joe Milmoe, US FWS