Closing Date: December 15, 2020
The Blackfoot Community Conservation Area (BCCA) Council is responsible for managing, on behalf of the community, the 5,609-acre Core area of the BCCA. To represent the diversity of community interests, the Council is comprised of 15 people, from three different categories, including:
- Private Landowners,
- Agencies and Organizations owning land within or adjacent to the Core (The US Fish & Wildlife Service, the US Forest Service, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks), and
- User Groups (recreationists, sportsmen and women, businesses and educational representatives).
The Council invites interested parties to apply for three-year term positions, beginning January 31, 2021 and terminating December 31, 2023. The Council will review applications at the meeting January 7, 2021, develop recommendations for Council membership and submit those recommendations to the Blackfoot Challenge Board of Directors for final approval.
Selection is based on three criteria:
- The individual’s ability to be an active participant for their term of appointment,
- The individual’s willingness to work positively and cooperatively to reach management decisions that best meet the goals of the BCCA, and
- Diversity of representation.
The position requires two to five hours per month to attend Council meetings and/or Work Groups, including Forestry, Grazing/Weeds, and Recreation/Education/Wildlife. Council members may choose a Work Group of their interest and are expected to attend meetings on a regular basis, participate in the discussion, be able to listen to opposing points of view, and make decisions that are in the best interest of the valley at large.
To apply for a position on the Council, please respond to the following questions:
- Why do you want to serve on the BCCA Council?
- What qualifications do you bring?
- Which category or categories would you best represent?
- Do you have any scheduling constraints? (Monthly Council meetings are held on the first Thursday of every other month at the Ovando Fire Hall at 7:00 p.m. Please let us know if you are able to attend the meetings on a regular basis or which, if any, you may need to miss.)
Please respond by mailing or emailing your application to:
Blackfoot Challenge
c/o BCCA Council
PO Box 103
Ovando, MT 59854
deb at blackfootchallenge.org
Thank you for volunteering to participate in this exciting project of community involvement and service. We continue to break new ground and look forward to your help.