Home Again
Trumpeter Swans first began making their appearances in the Blackfoot in early March, back from wintering grounds in southwestern Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. Since then, we’ve documented the return of […]
The Blackfoot Watershed gained five Trumpeter Swans in early September, with the release of 5 cygnets cheered on by 150 schoolkids from schools throughout the watershed and beyond. In past […]
Summer Update
The Blackfoot Trumpeter Swan population continues to grow, with more swans returning to the watershed this year and cygnets hatching from two nests. We had a record number of five […]
Spring Swans
This spring has brought positive signs for the Blackfoot Trumpeter Swan Restoration Project. At least five pairs have established or returned to territories here in the valley. Other swans have […]
Fall Flights
Blackfoot Valley Trumpeter Swans are moving about the valley in preparation for their fall migration. On a small lake in the Ovando area a few days ago, twenty-one trumpeters were […]
Interesting Summer for Swans
This has been an interesting summer for the Blackfoot Trumpeter Swan Project. We had a record number of six pairs of swans set up (or return to) territories this year; […]
Spring Happenings
Once again young Trumpeter Swans have been released successfully in the Blackfoot valley. Ten young swans are enjoying their freedom and learning to live in the wild for the first […]
Swan Release and Breakfast Raffle
In 2011, Trumpeter Swans successfully nested and fledged cygnets in the Blackfoot Watershed for perhaps the first time in nearly two centuries. The Blackfoot Trumpeter Swan Restoration Program is a […]
Winter Wanderings
Blackfoot Valley Trumpeter Swans may have left our watershed for the winter, but that doesn’t mean they have been entirely out of sight. We’ve received notice of some great observations […]
Trumpeters and Tundras
The passing fall has seen some swans leave the Blackfoot and others arrive. However, unlike during the summer months, not all the swans we are seeing lately are Trumpeter Swans. […]