Prescribed Fire Tour – Nine Mile Prairie & Bandy Ranch

Photo by Erin Carey, Bureau of Land Management. This spring, private landowners and public agencies across the watershed conducted prescribed burns to enhance forest health and community safety. Join members of our Prescribed Fire Work Group to visit these fires and learn about why and how they happen. This tour will bring participants to two prescribed […]

Board Meeting

This month's Board of Directors' meeting will take place at Lubrecht Experimental Forest, Greenough. The public is welcome to participate in our board meetings. Contact our Operations Manager Sydney Weydemeyer for more information:

Russell Gates Weed Pull

Russell Gates FAS MM 35 Highway 200, Greenough, United States

Join members of our Vegetation Committee to pull leafy spurge and other noxious weeds along the banks of the Blackfoot River. You bring your passion for pulling weeds and a pair of gloves, and we’ll supply bags, refreshments, and good cheer! The Russell Gates Fishing Access Sites is located 35 miles East of Bonner on Montana […]

Board Meeting

Location TBD. The public is welcome to participate in our board meetings. Contact our Operations Manager Sydney Weydemeyer for more information:

Drought Committee

Meeting will take place via Zoom. Contact Water Steward Jennifer Schoonen for participation link:

Board Meeting

This month’s Board of Directors’ meeting will take place via Zoom. The public is welcome to participate in our board meetings. Contact our Operations Manager Sydney Weydemeyer for more information:

Drought Committee

Meeting will take place via Zoom. Contact Water Steward Jennifer Schoonen for participation link:

Drought Committee

Meeting will take place via Zoom. Contact Water Steward Jennifer Schoonen for participation link:

Drought Committee

Meeting will take place via Zoom. Contact Water Steward Jennifer Schoonen for participation link:

Summer Block Party

Wednesday, August 11  |  6 - 9 PM Downtown Ovando After a year off, we are excited to throw a party for our members in downtown Ovando again this summer. Join us on August 11 for food trucks, live music, a beer garden, interactive education exhibits, a silent auction, and a darn good time. This […]